Saturday, November 12, 2011

God Is So Good.

This morning during our mens' Bible study I had the chance to reflect a little on the last ten years at Heartland Church.  Many of you know my story -- which, in part, is the story of a man being dragged kicking and screaming into the ministry.

As I have come to accept and cooperate in God's plan, though, I have been blessed in so many ways.  As an example, my marriage and family life are stronger now than they have ever been.  Just last night I was reminded yet again what a great wife I have!

One of the greatest blessings I get out of working at the church is being in a unique position to see the stories of so many other people unfold.  They are stories about the trials and victories in life.  They are stories where God is both the hero and the author.

During our last worship service, at some point I noticed a woman sitting by herself crying.  Her husband had gone to the front of the church to pray, and there she sat with tears running down her cheeks.

I asked her if she was alright, and she smiled.  She said she was just thinking of a moment several years ago -- back to a time when the church was still in Irving.  Pastor Dan had come to pray with this woman that day, and she asked for prayer for one thing -- that her family would be healed and restored.  This is how the story ends.  So, let's go back to the beginning.

Many years ago this woman worked with one of our Heartland partners (we call our congregants "partners" because membership implies privilege while partnership implies shared responsibility.  And, come to think of it, this is a perfect example of partnership in action!)  This woman was not a Christian, and our partner was witnessing to her at work.

Sometime later, long after the two stopped working at the same place, our partner got an unexpected call from this woman explaining that her marriage was falling apart.  Our partner invited this woman to come to church the next Sunday, and that was the Sunday when Pastor Dan prayed for restoration of the woman's family.

Unfortunately, the couple -- who had a young daughter at the time -- ended up getting a divorce.  It was obviously an extremely painful time for the family.  All hope seemed to be lost.

Fast forward to several years later.  The now ex-husband moved to Carrollton.  As it would happen, he moved into an apartment building that just happened to be right across the street from Heartland Church.  He had visited the church while we were in Irving, and decided to come by again on a Sunday since the church was literally across the street from where he now lived.  He was trying to put his life and his marriage back together.   At some point he convinced his wife and daughter to visit the church with him.

Once a quarter or so, we have an event called "Pizza with the Pastor."  Pizza with the Pastor is just what it sounds like.  It's a time for people who are new to the church to eat a little pizza and get to know our pastors a little better.

On this particular day, this family decided to share -- to give us a glimpse into where they were and the challenges they were facing.  A couple of our pastors took them aside and prayed for the family that day.  In the months to come, many more prayers would go out for the family as they struggled to work through what must have seemed like impossible obstacles to resuming their life together.

Not long ago this family attended one of the more important events we have at Heartland Church -- a child dedication.  This is a time when the natural family and the church family come together to dedicate a child to the Lord and to pledge together to raise that child God's way.

This child dedication was particularly special, as this couple, now remarried, was dedicating their second child to God.  To add insult to the enemy, the wife recently accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and savior!

On a personal note, I hope that this family knows how much I love them.  Our church family would not be complete without them.  They have been an inspiration and an incredible blessing in my life.

This is one story of God at work at Heartland Church.  There are many, many more.

If there is one thing I never have to ask myself, it's "why do I do what I do at Heartland Church?"  The answer is pretty simple -- it's because God is sooo good!

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